Dr. Gene W. Bukowski - Audiology and Hearing Aids provides hearing aid sales and service in Billings, MT
Painting & Paper Hanging The Officer of Storkamp Painting Llc is John Storkamp Business classifications
SIC (US 1987) : You will benefit and be pleased with your service from the office of Dr. Gene Bukowski, Audiology and Hearing Aids. The office staff is friendly and experienced. Hearing aids are priced well and are available in all price ranges. Prices are kept very competitive by obtaining hearing aids from many quality manufacturers and employing a small, efficient office staff.
Dr. Gene Bukowski has 39 years experience as an audiologist. He was born in Green Bay, Wisconsin and obtained a Bachelors degree and Masters degree from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Dr. Bukowski obtained a Doctorate degree from the Arizona School of Health Sciences in Mesa.
He provided services at the Milwaukee County General Hospital and Easter Seal Society of Montana, including Billings School District #2 and Montana State University-Billings. He provided industrial audiology services to CHS Refinery for 20 years and continues to teach Occupational Hearing Conservation classes at St. Vincent Hospital and Billings Clinic. Dr. Bukowski has been in private practice at the same location for 29 years.
In the past nine years, Dr. Bukowski has participated in four missions trips to the Philippines, two in Slovakia, one in El Salvador, and one in Guatemala.
Painting and decorating contractors, non-industrial buildings, interior
Wall covering and wallpaper hanging contractors (paperhangers)
Don't forget that the most detailed information about Storkamp Painting Llc in Saint Cloud you can always get on the official web-site, in the company's office or by calling by phone ↓
Established in: 2006
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