For 39 years, Cathy's Cleaning Service have been dedicated to quality, personal and professional service at reasonable prices. Call us at 410-787-1722.
Building Cleaning/Maintenance Svcs Nec The Owner of Cathys Cleaning is Catherine Movern Business classifications
SIC (US 1987) : "I have been using your service since 2003 and I can't tell ENOUGH how pleased I am with the results. There is nothing like coming home from work and seeing your house look and smell so great. "
- Mr. Patterson of Bowie, MD (customer since 2003) "I love coming home to a clean, fresh smelling home and being able to relax and spend time with my family instead of worrying about cobwebs. Thank you so much!"
- Mrs. Varney of Ellicott City, MD (Customer since 2004)
"Gloria is like a family to us. She practically saw our family grow over the years. Since 2003 up to present , She never failed to make our home tidy and clean. "
- Mrs. Hadary of Annapolis, MD (customer since 2003) " I Called last minute to schedule a one time cleaning. My sister highly recommends your company. I am indeed a satisfied cutomer. My sister was right. Kelly is so organized and thorough. The moment she left all are in place and clean. I will deffinitely schedule a Bi-weekly cleaning just like my sister. "
"I practically gave her access to our home so she can clean anytime she wants. That is how trustworthy our cleaner can be. No need to worry about things being lost since she has proven herself to be someone you can trust. She is more than just a cleaner but a family.Thanks to your company!"
- Jenny of Chesapeak Beach, MD (customer since 2009)
Don't forget that the most detailed information about Cathys Cleaning in Saint Cloud you can always get on the official web-site, in the company's office or by calling by phone ↓
Established in: 2004
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